Ceramic Arrester

Ceramic arrester integrates the advantages of metal oxides and composite insulation materials, and is used in 0.22~ 220kV power generation, transmission and distribution systems to limit all kinds of possible overvoltages, so as to ensure the safe operation of electrical equipment. Ceramic...

Ceramic Arrester

Ceramic arrester integrates the advantages of metal oxides and composite insulation materials, and is used in 0.22~ 220kV power generation, transmission and distribution systems to limit all kinds of possible overvoltages, so as to ensure the safe operation of electrical equipment.

Ceramic arrester have many advantages, such as residual pressure, large flow capacity, fast response time and flat characteristics of steep slope. So it can not only effectively limit the lightning overvoltage and operating overvoltage to electrical equipment harm, but also restrain the damage of abnormal rapid overvoltage to solid.

Ceramic Arrester

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